Monday, June 17, 2019

Monthly ❤To❤ (SELF-TALK)

Self-talk (talking to yourself) is your own internal dialogue.  Cheerful and supportive or negative and self-defeating -- positive or negative, this internal chatter is known as your self-talk.  It is something that we all do, intentionally or even subconsciously and we can do it out loud or internally, but we all talk to ourselves several times throughout the day.  The important thing to remember is that self-talk plays a huge part in who you are because it impacts how you feel about yourself and what you believe you can achieve.  Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the tongue (what we speak) holds the power of life and death.  Every morning when I wake up, no matter how I feel or what I have to face on a given day, I always start off quoting to myself Psalm 118:24 -- This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I remind myself that I AM NOT AFRAID to face whatever comes my way.  Then I pull a few other positive, spiritual phrases from what I call my "TRUTH BANK" (what I know to be true because of the God I serve) to combat the lies of the enemy -- I am HEALED, I have JOY, I have PEACE, My mind is RENEWED, I am an OVERCOMER, I am more than a CONQUEROR, etc. -- you get the point 😜.....and I say these phrases to myself over and over again throughout the day.  Now, I must admit, this took some practice.  It's much easier to believe a lie than the truth, but I CHOOSE to believe the truth of God's word in spite of the fear (false evidence appearing real) that the enemy tries to present.  So, I want you too, to begin to focus and practice speaking positive affirmations and life over yourself each and everyday.  God has created us to be Kingdom Women and He has equipped us for the work, but we must daily renew our minds.  Let's go to work, ladies.  Have a Kingdom Woman great day!


  1. I love this First Lady, very good pointers and definitely truth to this, I will work on speaking life to any situation, trusting and believing God,as children of the most high, we have the victory and and can do all things through Christ that strengthens us that strengthens us. I pray that you First lady and every one have a victorious day in the Lord:)

    1. Awesome, Sis. Jessica. Indeed we are children of the most High and that alone makes us victorious!

  2. By sister Jessica, the above comment!

  3. I agree with everything you said First Lady. I have a sticky on my bathroom mirror with positive words of affirmation. I am beautiful, I am loved, I am a child of the most high God, I am smart, I am strong, I am courageous, I fearless I have peace, I have joy, I have a strong mind ,I can do all things through Chriat who strengthens me. I read it every day and end with " Ok JESUS let's go I have learned to encourage myself instead of looking to others for it. Sis Catherine

  4. Yes, Sis. Catherine! It's so important for us to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ Jesus. If not, as we learned yesterday, we will "swallow" and believe the lies of the enemy!
